The Ad Sign cycles in SignShare help manage promotional signage based on the Ad break timeline. Signs fall into different cycles, determining when they can be edited, printed, or used in stores.
Current Ad
Displays all active promotions currently running.
Stores can print signs for active promotions.
Click "Display Batch" to see all signs provided by the division for the Current Ad.
Ad Prep (Division Only)
Used by divisions to enter signs in advance.
Automatically rolls into Kit Prep when the Kit Prep window opens.
Kit Prep (Store Level – Edit Window Only)
Open for stores to review and customize signs before printing.
Signs are finalized on Monday at 2 PM MST and printed for the weekly kit.
Signs cannot be printed in-store during this cycle.
Signs can be adjusted for the printed kit by changing the quantity/size, editing content, or deleting items.
Next Ad
Contains signs for the upcoming promotional period (starts the Wednesday after the current ad).
Stores can print signs in this cycle as needed.
Kit Prep - Customization & Editing Rules
During Kit Prep, stores can modify the sign kit before finalization:
Adjust sign size and quantity.
Order additional sizes or delete unnecessary items.
Add manually keyed items to the printed kit.
Edits must be completed during the Kit Prep window.
Important: If creating a new sign during Kit Prep, first go to the Promo Screen and select "Create" to avoid modifying an existing sign.
By understanding these cycles, users can efficiently manage signage preparation, printing, and customization in SignShare.